Working in Canada using Non Verbal Communication

From time to time, I like to "show off" the work of my client or student (I teach not only with online webinars, but also at a business university; marketing, public speaking, customer service, etc.).

Here is one such student's work. It's a short and quick read... and very interesting.

Hope you enjoy it!

Ter Scott!

Non-verbal communication means “without words” (Goodhall, Sandra, & Schiefelbein, 2010).

How your facial expression looks while you are speaking to someone can mean a lot more than the actual words you are speaking. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they do not “appear” to be paying any attention to what you are saying?

You might be offended and even think less of that person. Researchers suggest that between 65 and 70% of social meaning of communication is done non-verbally (Goodhall, Sandra, & Schiefelbein, 2010). I chose the country of Canada to research non-verbal communication for my employer to do business with. I work at a hair salon that is very casual. Because we are located near the Canadian border this country seemed the most realistic to do business with. Canada is bilingual and any company wanting to do business with them must be able to provide French translations.

The difference between Canada and the United States is that Canadian communication patterns are more low key (Canadian Communication Styles, 2012). Evasive language is seen as suspicious and Canadians prefer any problems to be brought to attention and dealt with immediately. A “do not” for us would be to deal with the issue immediately and to not push things aside which many of us like to do. Business meetings in Canada tend to be more formal with a more restrained approach whereas here in the United States meetings in my type of business are usually casual. Personal appearance seems to be an important aspect to the Canadians. Another is to be well prepared. This is expected of the Canadian culture and is well respected (Canadian Communication Styles, 2012). Canada respects cultural diversity and women who do business with them.

I think you can learn a lot from researching other countries and how their norms compare to ours. We live in such a diverse population it is important to understand each and every culture so you can leave your biases out when it comes to communicating with others. I have learned that Canada is different in many ways than the United States, but also alike in many ways too.

Amanda Ankarlo

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  1. I have read several of these blogs and some of them have helped me understand that some of the things I used to do are not proper and shouldn't be done. Also I have decided that even though this class is just about over I will keep visiting the blogs to learn more about public speaking.Sandra P DBU student

  2. Ter - I have visited blogs in the past, generally finding an article though a search engine, reading such article and never returning to the blog. Your blog is the first blog I have ever read every article and truly benefited from each and every one! From understanding what public speaking actually was, to your tips on extinguishing public speaking fear and making your speech memorable, I have taken something from every article and put it to use to improve myself! I was very apprehensive at the start of this class as I detested public speaking and now 11 weeks later, although not my favorite thing yet, I honestly can say I almost enjoy it now. I plan to continue to work on overcoming my fears and building confidence. I will now look for public speaking opportunities (small ones first and work my way up). I think the best thing I've learned is practice, practice, practice!! Thank you so much for everything I've learned and all I have accomplished these past 11 weeks. I sincerely appreciate the impact you have made on me! Corissa Nolan

  3. I have enjoyed reading the blogs it has given helpful information and good tips on how to gain speaking skills. This is my first experience with “blogs” and it is very different than a website. After figuring out how it works, it was easy to do and can see how one could spend lots of time adding to the blog. The article about practicing your speech ahead of time so you can nail down what is needed to improve was a big help and also I particularly enjoyed the handwriting paragraph as I like to write on paper and pen and it does help you focus more on your words and topics.


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