Instant Speaker Discusses the Communication Model

Before we get to today’s Instant Speaker topic, I’d like to address two of the questions/comments I’ve recently received to a previous post. The first is from someone who wants to “sell’ his/her ideas to clients better. Great, this is a noble desire on your part as long as you are using the win-win philosophy in selling being sure that both sides win. (Also, as a sub point here, remember that no one likes to be sold but everyone loves to own, but that’s going into my sales seminar material). Learning speaking skills will help you to relate to others more and people like to buy from people they like! In addition, I’m glad you realize that “ideas” are a commodity worth value.

Next, someone asked, “What is the longest time for a presentation to be effective or lose its effectiveness?” Your key word here may be “effective”. Toastmasters (a great organization to learn and improve your speaking skills) usually presents five to seven minute speeches which may be partly because of time constraints but I believe if you can’t say it in 7 minutes, you probably won’t be effective in saying it in 20 or 30 minutes. Longer presentations are considered lectures or workshops and are made up of several seven-minute presentations. Remember that today, we are in the MTV generation in which everything has to move fast and you need to get your point across soon, almost instantly. That’s a nice segue to today’s Instant Speaker…TO READ THE ARTICLE PLEASE CLICK HERE OR CUT AND PASTE INTO YOUR ADDRESS BAR: